Boostbox is a flat, multifunctional and responsive admin theme
built with the Twitter Bootstrap 3.1.1 Framework.
Because Boostbox has a flexible layout, different color schemes and a
lot of useful components, you can use it for any type of web
Boostbox Responsive Admin Dashboard Template
Boostbox Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Features
Responsive Admin Dashboard Template |
8+ Well Designed Bootstrap New Admin Templates
20+ Best Bootstrap AngularJS Admin Templates
- Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
- Flat UI with clean style
- Retina support
- Fixed / Static Topbar
- Fixed / Static Sidebar
- HTML5 / CSS3
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.1.1
- Font Awesome 4.0.3
- Less files
- 6 Colors themes
- Supports large tables (dynamically loads data)
- Scrollable tables
- Responsive tables
- Show / hide columns
- Custom form style
- Inline editable elements
- Advanced validation options
- Multi file upload
- WYSIWYG editor
- Select with search
- Multiple select
- Wizard
- Tags input
- Custom slider and switches
- Datepicker / Timepicker
- Colorpicker
- Spinner
- Blog
- Pricing
- Invoice
- User profile
- Custom error pages
- Login page
- Locked screen page
- Calendar with events
- Line / Bar / Pie charts (Flot, Morris, Sparkline, Knob)
- Custom buttons
- Bootstrap plugins
- Notifications
- Tooltips & popovers
- Animations CSS3
Unlimited Downloads
Over 2,500,000+ Fonts, Mockups, WordPress Themes, Freebies and Design Assets

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