What features should I look for in a theme?
Now to buy a good template for your business and to evade being cheated like this, you must consider the features that you must look for in every theme so you get the most out of your money. Some of them are Responsiveness, SEO readiness, Heavy Customization capabilities, Retina readiness, Documentation and PSD files, updates assurance and a good assistance team for handling your queries.
Apart from these, you must also look for the dedicated features which will be required in the specific theme you are looking for like an appointment manager in a Dentist Theme or a reach us panel in the Law Firm website or even a resume submission plugin in a recruitment business website. These are not present in every theme but are there in the themes that require them Well all this can be really complicated.
To rescue the naive buyers from this chaos, we have come up with our own list that you can trust blindfoldedly and leave the rest to us. Every item in the list has proven its capability by the number of time it has been downloaded and used. This list is made with keeping in mind the features and functions of these WordPress themes. Their task performing capabilities is also taken into account while devising this list, and another big factor, the cost, is also considered while making this list. So just sit back and enjoy this extensive list of the top themes that you can get in the market.
Capable of handling a variety of business types and their requirements, this theme is highly responsive when it comes to it. It comes with the powerful Novi Builder that is capable of editing the whole website inside out and even allows you to create new pages at the site�s front end without any formal editing skills required.
A Prestashop Multipurpose responsive theme that is aimed at meeting the requirements for different types of businesses as well as eCommerce needs. The customisation capability that you gets will allow you to make changes in different layout blocks and combine them to create a unique homepage.
This is a fully loaded, highly responsive theme for your online business. You will get more than 10 themes for your eCommerce shop template and 250+ HTML Files. Limitless Header and footer variation will allow you to make your own unique style. You will get regular updates as this theme is brought to you by the professional team of Template Monster.
Comprehensive Magento 2 theme
Magetique is a really impressive combination of Marketing, Administration and Design tools. You will also get a powerful MegaMenu that will make the job of navigating really easy for your viewers. In addition to all this, you will get 5 Premium topic layouts to choose from.
Bellaina - Real estate WordPress theme
Bellaina, a great weapon for the people who are looking for the Real Estate business theme. This theme has a lot to offer for its editors as it features Live Customizer that allows you to make changes in the web-page live without any problems or any formal knowledge of the same.
Kustrix- Style Blog WP theme
A real classy WordPress theme, that is made specifically for the fashion and beauty blogs. This theme is capable of performing all the fashion blogging related tasks that are needed in this sector like, it has a very intuitive font, a perfect display style and many other aspects.
Professional Business Theme
Another professional business theme but a very effective one. This theme has almost all the features that you will require for your business website. The customization capabilities that it offers is another a great tool that makes you the true owner of this website template.You will get many good features like Parallax Scrolling, TM gallery, Motopress Slider, Background video and a lot more.
BeDentist- Dentist Website Template
Made exclusively for Dental care as well as dentist business, this template is capable of performing every possible task that a dentist�s business will require. A very good feature of this website is that it features a very effective Appointment Manager that is capable of taking appointments without any back end assistance required.
Harvest- Premium WordPress theme
f you are a farm owner and are looking for a good theme for taking your business online then this is a really great option for you. You will also get a really cool MotoPress Editor that will let you make changes in the webpage easily and without even touching a single line of code.
Jumerix- Joomla Responsive Theme
Jumerix is a multipurpose responsive theme that is fully loaded with features that will match with the blogs, portfolios, Businesses and corporate projects as well as any sort of eCommerce Site.
Fenimore- Law firm Responsive Theme
Fenimore is one of the best themes out there. This theme is specifically made for Law Firms businesses. This theme has all the good features which will be beneficial like Testimonials of Clients, video integration, and many other UI elements.
Responsive WordPress Theme
Storeflex is another bestseller theme that has proven its capabilities with the features it offers. This theme is highly responsive and multilingual ready as well. Regarding customization, you will get a very extensive Colour Schemes to keep your website in line with your corporate identity.
Transport Business WordPress theme
If you own a transport business, then this a gold mine for you. This theme has 6 different blog layouts including Blog timeline. It has a very rich UI kit with over 45 ready made HTML 5 pages. It even has Parallax scrolling, Back to top button, drop down menu, Google map, google Web and a lot more!
Professional Responsive Business Theme
Emmet is a very well carved them with a very professional design that can create a very professional image in the online market. This theme is compatible with major WordPress plugins like WooCommerce, BuddyPress, bbPress and many others.
Advisto- Financial Advisor WordPress Theme
A very good option if you want to launch your own Financial Advisory Business website. It has a very user-friendly navigation system, which includes a sticky menu bar in combination with a back-to-top button.
SEO Website Responsive theme
This is a very simplistic web design that will give your website a more of a professional theme. This theme is capable of bringing out more variations in header and footer. You will also get a rich UI Kit, which is capable of making your Customization task easy and lot speedy.
Gym Fitness Responsive Template
IronMass, a really good option for your sports blog as well as your Gym business blog. It has all the good features that you will require in your website. There are a lot of small things that adds up and improves the experience of the user like the back to top button, a drop down menu, a calendar, a commenting system, and a lot more.
Hair Salon and beauty WordPress Theme
Durand, a Beauty WordPress theme made for the blogging needs of fashion bloggers as well as for the requirements of fashion businesses. You will get a lot of layout options as well as content modules to increase your reach and make the page attractive.
Business MotoCMS Template
This theme is a whole new level of professionalism. The never ending space theme will surely give your business a really impressive look. With this theme, you will get 16 different ready to use pages that your website can't go without such as Home, Services, About Us, Contact Us etc.
Professional Business Joomla theme
This one is considered as one of the best when it comes to a Business WordPress Theme. It is highly responsive and comes with the parallax scrolling and the theme colour switcher that gives you the freedom to maintain your corporate identity. You will also get many other good features like Contact Form, Google Map, Font Icons, Counter and a lot more!
So these were the themes that are proven as the best. You can go for any theme and you don't have to worry about the features that they carry. These are the best themes with their respective businesses and this is what is proven by the number of times they have been downloaded.
Do let me know if you have any kind of queries regarding any of the themes by just commenting down below. We will reach back to you as soon as possible :)
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